Physical therapy is essential in helping many injured people recover and get back on their feet. Without this aid, recovery may take much longer. In some cases, the injury cannot heal properly without the help of a physical therapist.

When To Seek an In-Home Physical Therapist

If it is difficult for you to travel, you may want to consider an in-home therapist. Talk with your doctor and your insurance agent to see if you qualify for this aid. Since home health physical therapist responsibilities should be taken very seriously, it is important to find an experienced professional.

Common reasons for home health physical therapy include recovery from the following events:

  • Heart attack or another cardiac incident
  • Stroke rehabilitation
  • Recovery after some surgeries, such as a knee replacement
  • Serious fractures
  • Parkinson’s and other debilitating diseases

Why Discontinue Home Health Therapy

When your therapist and doctor agree that you have recovered successfully, they will sign off on your need for at-home therapy. If you still need therapy but are able to travel by car, you should find a physical therapy facility. These locations have many more resources at their disposal than you would have available in your home, including workout equipment.

Talk with your doctor about the need for home health therapy after surgery or other debilitating incidents.

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